3. Installation Guide

3.1. Installation into a new environment

The ESA CCI Toolbox and all necessary dependencies are available on conda-forge and can be installed using the conda package manager. The conda package manager itself can be obtained in the miniconda distribution. Once conda is installed, the ESA CCI Toolbox can be installed like this:

$ conda create --name ect --channel conda-forge esa-climate-toolbox
$ conda activate ect

The name of the environment may be freely chosen.

3.2. Installation into an existing environment

The ESA CCI Toolbox can also be installed into an existing conda environment. To do so, execute this command with the existing environment activated:

$ conda install --channel conda-forge esa-climate-toolbox

In case you encounter any problems, try installing these packages first:

$ conda install --channel conda-forge aiohttp lxml nest-asyncio xcube "pydap==3.3"

3.3. Installation into a new environment from the repository

If you want to install the ESA CCI Toolbox directly from the git repository (for example in order to use an unreleased version or to modify the code), you can do so as follows:

$ git clone https://github.com/esa-cci/esa-climate-toolbox.git
$ cd esa-climate-toolbox
$ conda env create
$ conda activate ect
$ pip install -e .