The ESA CCI Toolbox

The CCI Toolbox is a python package that provides access and operations to CCI data. It is available on GitHub and can be installed with Conda.

Data Stores

The CCI Toolbox comes with three pre-configured data stores, built with the xcube Python package. The CCI Open Data Portal data store (esa-cci) provides programmatic access to all CCI data. The Zarr data store (esa-cci-zarr) provides access to selected CCI data in Zarr format for faster performance. The kerchunk Data Store (esa-cci-kc) gives access to CCI datasets through a reference file, thereby allowing similar performance as the Zarr Store


Datasets are accessed through Data Stores. By providing a dataset identifier the CCI Toolbox loads only the metadata and structure of the dataset, with the full dataset loaded only when needed for operations. Opened datasets are represented through data structures defined by Python packages xarray, pandas, and geopandas.


The CCI Toolbox provides climate analyses operations geared to CCI data for Coregistration, Resampling, spatial and temporal Subsetting, Aggregation, Anomalies, Arithmetics, selected Data Frame Operations and more. In addition, the Python packages xarray, pandas, and geopandas provide a rich and powerful low-level data processing interface for datasets opened through the CCI Toolbox. See the API Reference for details.


Method 1 - Install Conda and then run the following

$ conda create --name ect --channel conda-forge esa-climate-toolbox
$ conda activate ect

Method 2 - If you already have an existing Conda environment

$ conda install --channel conda-forge esa-climate-toolbox

Method 3 - Install directly from the GitHub repository

$ git clone
$ cd esa-climate-toolbox
$ conda env create
$ conda activate ect
$ pip install -e .

Getting Started

Try our Jupyter Notebooks on exploring CCI data, accessing data from the Open Data Portal Store, from the Zarr Store, and from the Kerchunk Store; on opening data subsets and opening data as dataframes, and on finding and using operations on CCI data.


For support with the CCI Toolbox, please visit our Helpdesk.